Monday, August 19, 2013

A Letter to the New Mama: 52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose

Today I'm linking up with Becky again for the 52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose. This is such a perfect day for this post as one of my very best friends delivered a healthy baby boy this morning! (Also it is my dear husband's 30th birthday) It has been a truly wonderful day!
Welcome to the world Heath Christopher! 

While I've only been a mama for the last 9 months there are so many things I wish I would have known before I delivered my baby girl, so to the new mama's or soon to be mamas out there, this one is for you. 

Its ok to miss being pregnant. I loved everything about my pregnancy and 9 months later I still miss feeling the little kicks, knowing that somebody is always with you. It was like for 9 months I was never alone and while you are so excited to deliver the baby at the same time a small part of you will miss them always being with you. And that is ok...

Follow YOUR instincts. You will know your baby best and have a bond that is truly magical. If your mama, aunt, friend, grandma, sister, or whoever is giving you advice and it doesn't feel right to you then forget about it. Don't get caught up in reading so many books or internet articles that you don't know which direction is right. Everyone out there has an opinion of their own when it comes to parenting and its easy to get mixed up. 

Its ok to say "NO" to visitors. Those first days and weeks home from the hospital can be overwhelming as it is and it seems like if you have family and friends in the area they constantly pour into your home in the evenings which is a nice gesture but can be exhausting too. If you just want nights at home to relax with you and your significant other than that is ok too. 

Ask for help. I only say this because I was one that never wanted help especially when it came to caring for my baby girl, I wanted to be the one to feed, change, bathe and dress her but if I could do it again I would ask for help with things such as cooking, dishes, laundry and cleaning so we had more time as a family to sit back and relax.

Read to them from the day they are born. We asked for books instead of cards at our baby shower and we have put them to such good use. You can never start reading to them early enough and it is a time
 they will always cherish with you. 

They grow up too fast. While I know everyone says this it just has so much truth behind it. While the days seem long and the nights seem longer the months go by in the blink of an eye. Every stage though is so wonderful and trying at the same time.

All in all just remember, its ok to do everything you thought you would never do, the housework can wait, its ok to spend day in and day out loving them, you will make mistakes but tomorrow you can start over and one day you will feel like you know what you are doing.

Enjoy every moment, because motherhood is a gift and a blessing that many never get to experience or understand. Love them always....

Kelly Erin

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